Report Date
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GIA Report Number
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Shape and Cutting Style
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Carat Weight
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Color Grade
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Clarity Grade
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Cut Grade
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Inscription:  GIA 2161046042
$('#inscriptionHelp').hide(); $('#inscription').bt({ hoverIntentOpts: { interval: 500, timeout: 0 }, contentSelector: "$('#inscriptionHelp').html()", /*get text of inner content of hidden div*/ width: 200, fill:'rgba(254,254, 254, .95)', strokeWidth: 1, /*no stroke*/ spikeLength: 40, spikeGirth: 10,strokeStyle: '#967840', padding: 20, cornerRadius: 15, noShadowOpts: {strokeStyle: '#967840', strokeWidth: 2}, positions: ['right', 'top'] });

Important Limitations

The results documented in this report refer only to the diamond described, and were obtained using the techniques and equipment available to GIA at the time of examination. This report is not a guarantee or valuation. For additional information and important limitations and disclaimers, please see or call +1 800 421 7250 or +1 760 603 4500. ©2012 Gemological Institute of America, Inc.


The diamond in the image is enlarged and standardized to highlight some of its identifying characteristics such as shape, faceting and clarity; the image may not represent the diamond appearance under different viewing conditions.

About GIA
The new GIA Diamond eReport – GIA’s first online-only report – delivers GIA’s trusted diamond quality evaluation in a format that’s instantly accessible and shareable.

About the GIA Diamond eReport

The new GIA Diamond eReport - GIA's first digital-only report - delivers GIA's trusted diamond quality evaluation in a fully protected online environment that eliminates the need for printed documents, allowing both buyers and sellers to quickly and conveniently share the important information they need to conduct their transactions with confidence.

Only Untreated, Natural Diamonds Qualify

You can be sure about your diamond's quality right from the start. Every GIA eReport diamond has been tested to determine that it is not a simulant or synthetic, and that it is free from any detectable treatments used to alter its color or clarity. And like all diamonds graded by GIA, you can be sure that your eReport diamond has undergone the very rigorous and impartial evaluation processes that GIA is known for.

Let the Picture Tell the Story

The GIA Diamond eReport features a highly detailed face-up diamond image, with a zoom feature that allows you to see its identifying clarity characteristics and some of the symmetry features.

The diamond image is captured during the grading process using the GIA Diamond Imaging System™, a proprietary technology developed by GIA researchers and laboratory gemologists. The system captures a high resolution image under tightly controlled conditions designed to efficiently deliver a consistent rendering of the diamond. This image, in addition to the data points GIA already captures during grading are permanently stored in GIA's secure global database, thus ensuring perpetual access to the diamond's information and identification.

The image on the GIA Diamond eReport is displayed as a compressed JPEG, to allow for easy sharing via email, online, and mobile devices. The image brings the diamond's unique properties to life, making the GIA Diamond eReport the perfect way to instantly communicate its quality, particularly without the presence of a physical stone.

It is important to keep in mind that the image on the GIA Diamond eReport cannot be used to evaluate or confirm the diamond's color grade. The image is intended to be used to document the face-up appearance of the diamond under controlled conditions and lighting. This set-up produces images that identify the diamond's unique clarity characteristics as well as some of its proportion and symmetry features. Facet patterns observed in the image are the result of the diamond's size and proportions in relation to the controlled imaging set-up and may not be the same as seen under other lighting and viewing conditions.

Never Again Lose, Damage, or Misplace a Report

The GIA Diamond eReport - as a digital only report - means that all the original - and authentic - report data is permanently stored in GIA's secure database. The GIA Diamond eReport is instantly accessible to you online via GIA Report Check no matter where you might be. No paper not only saves trees, but frees up storage space, and saves you the time and expense of ordering replacement reports.

The GIA Diamond eReport service is available for all D-to-Z color diamonds weighing 2.99 carats or less.

The GIA 4Cs
Established in 1931, GIA is the world’s foremost authority on diamonds, colored stones, and pearls. Learn more about GIA.

About GIA

What Is GIA?

GIA exists to protect all purchasers of gemstones, by providing the education, laboratory services, research, and instruments needed to accurately and objectively determine gemstone quality.

Ensuring the Public Trust

A nonprofit institute, GIA’s mission is to ensure the public trust in gems and jewelry by upholding the highest standards of integrity, academics, science, and professionalism through education, research, laboratory services, and instrument development. GIA attained its leadership role through decades of integrity and ingenuity, and everything we do is still driven by this mission.

A Place of Learning

GIA is where students from all over the world build successful careers in the gem and jewelry field. The Graduate Gemologist (GG) diploma, which focuses on gem grading and identification, is the industry’s highest professional credential. And with its Graduate Jeweler, Applied Jewelry Arts, and Accredited Jewelry Professional programs, GIA offers training geared to every aspect of the industry.

A Place of Breakthrough Discoveries

GIA is the global leader in gemological research, and its findings serve to protect the consumer. Using sophisticated technology, Institute researchers analyze thousands of samples each year. When new synthetic gems and artificial enhancement processes enter the marketplace, GIA is there to detect them.

GIA manufactures gemological instruments used by gem and jewelry professionals everywhere. GIA Instruments’ precision microscope and many other products help them buy, grade, and appraise with confidence.

A Place to Turn to for Unbiased Analysis of Gemstone Quality

GIA is the world’s most respected gemological laboratory, entrusted with grading and identifying more gems than any other lab including the Hope, the Taylor-Burton, the De Beers Millennium Star, and the Incomparable. Located in major gem and jewelry centers around the world, GIA laboratories are staffed by expert diamond graders and gemologists, whose work sets the standard for grading practices worldwide.


Unique identification number permanently catalogued in GIA's global database.


Description of the outline of the diamond (shape) and the pattern of the facet arrangement (cutting style)


Diamond's dimensions are listed as "minimum diameter - maximum diameter x depth" for round diamonds and "length x width x depth" for fancy-shaped diamonds.


The diamond's weight, calculated in carats, with one carat being equal to 1/5 of a gram. In keeping with internationally recognized practices, weight is recorded to the nearest hundredth of a carat.


An assessment of the absence of color in the diamond, based the GIA Color Grading Scale which ranges from D (colorless) to Z (light yellow or brown).


An assessment of the relative absence of internal and external characteristics. Clarity is graded on a relative scale from Flawless to Included based on size, nature, number, position and relief of characteristics visible under 10x magnification.


An assessment of the cut quality for standard round brilliant diamonds that fall on the GIA D-to-Z color grading scale. Cut quality incorporates the aspects of face-up appearance, design, and craftsmanship.


Overall condition or smoothness of the diamond's surface, assessed on a scale ranging from excellent to poor.


Exactness of the diamond's outline, and the shape, placement, and alignment of its facets, assessed on a scale ranging from excellent to poor.


Strength and color of the diamond when viewed under long-wave ultraviolet light. A fluorescence description of "none" represents a range of fluorescence from indiscernible to very faint. Used for identification purposes.


Lists any text, numbers or symbols inscribed on the diamond by the client or by GIA.